Saturday, December 01, 2007

Joy in the Presence of God by mejamison

Oh, my Lord, my Lord, how can I explain?

If only I had the words to express my thoughts toward you at this moment. To be in this moment of such great unexplained joy is beyond my comprehension. I was not thinking of what you could do for me; I was not thinking about what you have done for me nor even about who you are, as great as you are. But a sudden rush of joy sprang up within me bringing forth praise toward you upon my tongue. Explosive joy that I refuse to control has overtaken me. I am overwhelmed at your presence and mere words would take away from your glory at this time, so I will let your spirit do the talking for me, I will let your spirit intercede and make utterance before you on my behalf. Thank you Lord for your presence and thank you for this incomprehensible joy.

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