Monday, November 26, 2007

George Street in Amherstburg

By mejamison

If there was anything more fun than an amusement park, I would say living on George Street in Amherstburg in the 50's. The winter provided us with an opportunity to slide down the middle of the street on homemade sleds (cardboard from boxes). In the summer, my brother Clayton and other boys in town would compete in making their own go carts. They would use wheels and axels from off the baby buggies and old wood to build their go-carts. Then they would find different things to decorate them with, like tin cans and bottle caps. Broomstick handles would be used to push the carts from behind. The kids would line the street just like it was a real race. The cart that made it to the end of the block first would win. My brother for some reason would win the majority of the time and I think because he received a few tips from my Dad or older brother(I'm not sure).
I must say that my family members were hilarious at times, (I just might do a blog on them someday) but not now.

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