Sunday, November 18, 2007

Amherstburg Fond Memories Continued

Amherstburg fond memories

I love it when fond memories return. My mind goes back to Amherstburg when they had the canning factory, and my aunt and cousin used to walk home with their aprons still on, carrying their lunch boxes. My father worked at the quarry (Brunermond) and everyday we would try to be the first to run and meet him because he always left a little of his lunch in his box. A lot of the adults either worked at the canning factory or Brunermond. Amherstburg sits right on the Detroit River across from Boblo... Hey! Remember Boblo Island? My brothers and their friends used to swim across the Detroit River to Boblo Island.

There was a museum that used to be a fort right on the waterfront with high hills that we used to run up and down; lots of trees and greenery with little steps and passages and flowers. What a beautiful place it was, especially to let your imagination run away with you. There was one public elementary and one public high school; one butcher shop, one shoe shop, one library. I think just about every child owed money to the library. There used to be a bakery and potato chip factory there and everyday they would set out barrels of day old potato chips and bread for the poor to take.

My father (Ernest Harris)would often go down to the waterfront with his minister associate and fish. Sometimes they would go to LaSalle, but we were permitted to go with him when he was in town.

I wish someone who lived in Amherstburg will find this blog and add comments and pictures to it, because there is so many good memories about Amherstburg.

By mejamison


Mary Elizabeth Jamison said...

I love Amherstburg!

Anonymous said...

I worked at the Canning factory.
Remember the smell when they were cooking the tomato stew.
The smell of marras bread.

Anonymous said...

I liked the content on this site. Would like to visit again.

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